Fluffy in love

Fluffy invited its’ friends to spend the evening of the 14th of February with Eggs and Legs and Little Mermaid. An evening full of performative erotic fairy-tales, cuddly audiovisual installations, anti-stress painting, t9 poetry and fragile love-stories by grandma Valentini and her friends. Antigoni in collaboration with the group Eggs and Legs and Lydia shared erotic fairytales for mermaids and seaweeds, brackish hybrids in pans, hairy eyes which follow wanderers, little hedgehogs that share love, lonely fridges and t9 poetry for those who want to taste the foam of the algorithmic poetry.

Eggs and Legs is a post-apocalyptic drag trio, which dives into spirituality, religion, heroism, sadism, nonsense and researches questions like: What it means to be a woman? Why does the good heart has limits? They often offer gifts to their fans, such as performative evenings, diy complexities and short films that travel all over the world. 

EventAtopos Contemporary Visual Cultures

all photos by Stella Mouzi