World of Antigoni Tsagkaropoulou






Mixed Reality Performance
REDCAT Roy and Edna Disney Calarts, NOW Festival, 2023, L.AThrough a cyber-feminist tale of dreams, post-apocalyptic cities, and queer love, DENTAXUVIA – a Mixed Reality Performance – follows the supernatural journey of a duo and their avatars into the quantum and vast depths of the infinite potential of the future. The performance fuses the unique artistic visions of Huntrezz Janos and Antigoni Tsagkaropoulou, utilising technology, sculpture, and poetry to conjure a fragmented futuristic scene of cyberpunk insurgents. In this sci-fi explosion of visuals, the tangible meets the intangible as Huntrezz and Antigoni perform in wearable sculptures and as avatars in their virtual world. The result is an act of queer resistance that sheds their old skins and identities, empowering them to reclaim agency in the face of oppressive regimes and igniting belief that anyone can do the same.



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